Saturday , September 21 2024

Weight Gain and Quitting

Smoking and Weight

It’s true that some people gain weight after quitting. On average, people who gain weight after quitting gain about 5 to 10 pounds. Here’s why:

  • Smoking lowers your appetite. Smoking cigarettes makes you feel less hungry. When you quit smoking, you might feel hungrier and eat more.
  • Eating can be a substitute for smoking. Smoking gave you something to do with your hands, and you’re used to putting a cigarette in your mouth. For a lot of people, food replaces cigarettes, so it’s more likely you’ll gain weight after quitting.
  • Eating may be a new way for you to deal with negative emotions. Maybe smoking was your go-to when you feel stressed. When you quit, you may eat to feel better or deal with stress. This can cause weight gain.

If you are worried about gaining weight after you quit, try to remember:

  • Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for your health right now.
  • You can do things to help prevent weight gain while you become smokefree. Take small steps like healthy snacking, watching portion sizes, or finding ten minutes a few times a day to move more.
  • If you do gain weight after quitting, it doesn’t have to be forever. There are healthy ways you can lose the weight.

Tip: Becoming smokefree can give you the confidence and skills to achieve future goals—like losing any weight you might have gained while quitting. Be proud of your smokefree success!

About Nedia

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