Saturday , September 21 2024

College-Age & Young Adults


Photo by © Shutterstock/Petrenko Andriy

About College-Age & Young Adults
This section features the most recent Monitoring the Future (MTF) national survey results on substance use in college-age adults ages 19 to 22, including patterns of marijuana and alcohol use, nicotine use, and nonmedical use of prescription drugs. It also covers newer trends, such as use of e-vaporizers and hookahs. In 2018, the survey identified statistics related to e-vaporizer use of nicotine and marijuana separately from other smoking forms. This section also has resources for students, parents, educators, dorm supervisors, counselors, clinicians, and researchers who work with this age group. Download the full Monitoring the Future national survey results on drug use, 1975-2019. Volume II: College students and adults ages 19-50 (PDF, 17MB) [] report.
News Releases
Vaping, marijuana use in 2019 rose in college-age adults (September 2020)
Marijuana use at historic highs among college-age adults (September 2019)
Daily use of marijuana among non-college young adults at all time high (September 2018)
Thinking about a career in Addiction Science?
College Addiction Studies Programs
Summer Internship Program at the NIH
About the Addiction Medicine Subspecialty
Interested in holding an event during National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week® that focuses on reaching college-age young adults?
What is National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week®?
Prevention Profiles: Take Five – Dr. Nora Volkow (NIDA) (Podcast, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA): Campus Drug Prevention)

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