Saturday , September 21 2024

Get Ready to Quit

When you stop smoking, you may find yourself thinking a lot about smoking or feeling strong urges to smoke. But these uncomfortable feelings are temporary. And if you know your triggers, have strategies to fight cravings and stick to your plan, you can succeed. Prepare for the tough moments with resources and tools to help you quit.

Prepare to Quit

Find ways to prepare for your quit day and keep up your confidence about quitting. Try these steps:

  1. Think about why you want to quit. Knowing your reasons can help you stay motivated.
  2. Make a plan. Think about how you will fight cravings, avoid triggers, and deal with withdrawal. Try one of our free tools like SmokefreeTXT, DipfreeTXT or the quitSTART app.
  3. Avoid your triggers. If you know that certain people, feelings, or situations cause you smoke, be sure to stay away from them.
  4. Stay positive. Try to keep a positive mindset and focus on the present. And don’t forget to reward yourself for 24 hours smokefree!
  5. Ask for help. You don’t have to do it alone. Tell your friends and family that you’re quitting and will need their support. If you feel comfortable talking to your doctor about your plans to quit, ask how they might be able to help.  

When you quit smoking, you’ll enjoy benefits like smelling better; a cleaner mouth that doesn’t taste like an ashtray; better skin; and healthier lungs, heart, and brain. Check out how quitting improves almost every part of your body.

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