Saturday , September 21 2024

Get Help from Medications

There are many types of medications you can use to help you quit smoking. VA offers veterans all FDA-approved quit smoking medications. If you don’t receive health care from VA, check your insurance plan to learn if quit smoking medications are covered.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)

NRT is the most commonly used quit smoking medication. A lot of research has been done on NRT. It has been shown to be safe and effective for almost all tobacco users who want to quit.

Your VA health care provider can give you a prescription for NRT. It’s also available without a prescription from your local pharmacy.

Patches, gum, and lozenges are types of NRT. The patch is a long-acting form of NRT that releases a small, steady amount of nicotine through the skin. This small amount of nicotine helps satisfy your craving for nicotine. Gum and lozenges are a short-acting form of NRT. They release a small amount of nicotine into the lining of your mouth.

Want to learn more about the different types of NRT? Use our NRT explorer to find which method is right for you.

You may still have cravings while on the quit medications. Doctors recommend using combination NRT, a long-acting form of NRT—like the patch—along with a short-acting form of NRT—like the gum or the lozenge. This can help you fight cravings. The patch provides a steady amount of nicotine to reduce your cravings and withdrawal symptoms. If you also use gum or lozenges at the same time, that can help reduce cravings even more. Over time, you can slowly cut down the amount of NRT you’re using until you cut it out altogether. If you have a severe medical condition or are pregnant, talk to your doctor about using NRT.

If you plan to use NRT, have it available on your quit day. Read the instructions on the NRT package and follow them carefully. NRT will give you the most benefit if you use it as recommended. VA has patient medication guides that describe how to use combination NRT and other quit smoking medications.

NRT is only one type of medication that can help with withdrawal and reduce your urge to smoke.

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