Saturday , September 21 2024

You, Without Cigarettes

Your identity is how you think about yourself. Your style, likes, personality, culture, or social groups can all be part of how you see yourself. Part of it can also include being a smoker. Many women who smoke say that being a smoker is an important part of their identity.

Picture a Smokefree You

How you think about yourself can affect the choices you make, like the car you drive or the clothes you buy. It can also affect your smokefree success. 

  • Keeping your smoker identity (for example: I am a smoker or I like being a smoker) can make it hard to become, and stay, smokefree. 
  • Thinking of yourself as a non-smoker (for example: I want to live healthier without cigarettes or Being a non-smoker makes me feel free) can increase your chance of smokefree success. 

The good news is that you can change the way you think about yourself. Beginning to think about why you smoke and what you will gain by not smoking will help get your mind ready to try quitting. 

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